A dedicated contamination solution for bulk oil handling, fluid transfer and reservoir or gearbox conditioning.
Enhance cleanliness by adding the FPL to an existing hydraulic system and extend the life of in-line filters.
From the pump to the seals, every FPL arrives fully assembled and ready for installation so you can get straight to cleaning your fluids and improving the efficiency of your equipment.
Staged filtration allows a range of media selections for particulate and water removal to deliver ISO Codes right on target. Choose between dual MF110 cartridge or up to four Spin-On elements to tackle the most viscous fluids and achieve unimaginably low ISO Codes in a single pass.
DFE rated filter elements stay true to efficiency ratings and ensure the highest level of particulate capture and retention capabilities. And with media options down to β3[C] ≥ 4000, you can be sure contamination stays exactly where you want it: out of your system.
Sample ports in the right locations arm you with access to consistently accurate system conditions which is why every FPL comes standard with upstream and downstream sample ports in their proper positions.
Precision engineered and built from heavy gauge steel, the FPL is designed to be a powerhouse addition to your equipment. To top it off, the cast iron gear pump with internal relief gives you the durability you want with the safety you need.
Whether for plastic injection molding hydraulics with varnish issues or a wind turbine gearbox with small size restrictions, the FPL can be custom designed and built to meet the exact needs to solve your contamination problems.