30°F to 225°F
(0°C to 105°C)
-4°F to 140°F
(-20C to 60C)
100 psi (6.9 bar) maximum
22 psi (1.5 bar)
150 psid (10.3 bard)
290 psid (20 bard)
25 psid (1.7 bard)
G8 Dualglass, our latest generation of DFE rated, high performance glass media for all hydraulic & lubrication fluids. βx[C] ≥ 4000
G8 Dualglass high performance media combined with water removal scrim. βx[C] ≥ 4000
Stainless steel wire mesh media βx[C] ≥ 2 (βx ≥ 2)
Petroleum and mineral based fluids (standard). For polyol ester, phosphate ester, and other specified synthetic fluids use fluorocarbon seal option or contact factory.