PFHB High Pressure Full Flow Bi-Directional Filter Assemblies

Hy-Pro’s PFHB high pressure filter assemblies are designed for applications where flow direction changes and fluid must be filtered with full flow in both directions. Protect both components and clean fluid that typically does not return to the reservoir.

Ideal for steel mills, board plants, scrap yards, and concrete mixers.

Max Operating Pressure: 7252 psi (500 bar)


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Elements that go beyond industry standard.

DFE rated advanced media technologies provide the
highest level of particulate capture and retention capabilities to combat the dynamic flow changes in all hydraulic applications. With media options down to β3[C] ≥ 4000, + water absorption, you get the perfect element for your application, every time.

Two directions, one result.

With unique flow paths and internal check valves, PFHB assemblies allow hydraulic fluids to travel in both directions while maintaining the highest of filter efficiencies. Whether installed at the end of a remotely located cylinder or small cylinders where used fluid is not able to return to the tank for standard filtration, the PFHB captures contaminants in both flow directions where others can’t.
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Always ready.

Perfect for use in hydrostatic loop circuits and any system where flow can change direction, the PFHB is ready for capturing particles in both directions with absolute efficiency - automatically.