Hy-Pro’s PFH pressure filters are designed to protect sensitive components in hydraulic circuits. Install the series upstream of specific components or directly after the pressure pump in smaller systems to minimize risk of failure and costly system downtime.
Ideal for use on a power unit pump discharge filter or pilot filter directly in front of valves and actuators.
Max Operating Pressure: 9137 psi (630 bar)
30°F to 225°F
(0°C to 105°C)
-4°F to 140°F
(-20C to 60C)
5800 psi (400 bar)
min. 2 x 106 pressure cycles
Nominal pressure according to DIN 24550
9137 (630 bar)
min. 2 x 104 pressure cycles
Quasi-static operating pressure
450 psid (31.0 bard) max
3000 psid (206.8 bard) max
250 psid (17.2 bard) max
73 psid (5 bard)
87 psid (6.0 bard)
Integral element bypass
Cast Steel
DOM Tubing
Industrial Powder Coating
G8 Dualglass, our latest generation of DFE rated, high performance glass media for all hydraulic & lubrication fluids. βx[C] ≥ 4000
G8 Dualglass high performance media combined with water removal scrim. βx[C] ≥ 4000
Dynafuzz stainless steel fiber media βx[C] ≥ 4000
Stainless steel wire mesh media βx[C] ≥ 2
Biodegradable and mineral based fluids. For high water based or specified synthetics consult factory.
Filter Assembly Sizing Guidelines
Effective filter sizing requires consideration of flow rate, viscosity (operating and cold start), fluid type and degree of filtration. When properly sized, bypass during cold start can be avoided/minimized and optimum element efficiency and life achieved. The filter assembly differential pressure values provided for sizing differ for each media code, and assume 32 cSt (150 SUS) viscosity and 0.86 fluid specific gravity. Use the following steps to calculate clean element assembly pressure drop.
Sizing recommendations to optimize performance and permit future flexibility