Designed to maintain continuous filtration, even throughout element servicing, the DLF series filter assemblies provide two high efficiency, high capacity filter housings coupled by a user-friendly 6-way, 3 position valve that completely seals the system from the atmosphere. Use the DLF(M) to remove particulate and water from a variety of fluids and maximize your uptime.
Ideal for systems where filters must be serviced without system interruption such as hydraulic, gearbox, pulp and paper, rolling mill oil, bulk oil handling, and high flow return-line filtration.
Max Operating Pressure: 150 psi (10 bar)
Available options up to 450 psi (31 bar)
30°F to 225°F
(0°C to 105°C)
-4°F to 140°F
(-20C to 60C)
150 psi (10.3 bar) standard. See special options for additional pressure ratings.
150 psi (10.3 bar)
150 psi (10.3 bar)
150 psi (10.3 bar)
150 psi (10.3 bar)
PUT STUFF HERE25 psid (1.7 bard)
50 psid (3.4 bard)
25 psid (1.7 bard)
50 psid (3.4 bard)
G8 Dualglass, our latest generation of DFE rated, high performance glass media for all hydraulic & lubrication fluids. βx[C] ≥ 4000
G8 Dualglass high performance media combined with water removal scrim. βx[C] ≥ 4000
Stainless steel wire mesh media βx[C] ≥ 2 (βx ≥ 2)
Petroleum and mineral based fluids, #2 diesel fuels (standard). For specified synthetics contact factory for compatibility with fluorocarbon seal option. For phosphate ester or skydrol fluid compatibility select fluid compatibility from special options.