The Problem

A high-production copper mine relied on a lubrication system for their Nordberg® MP Series™ crusher*. This system used a duplex filter assembly with eight elements manufactured by a competitor.

The Solution

Donaldson Hy-Pro, along with our distributor, proactively approached the mining company with an alternative filtration solution. In line with The Hy-Pro Way of doing business, we proposed a comprehensive solution that would address common issues with the current filter element.

The Donaldson Hy-Pro element uses key design upgrades, including a sealing mechanism to increase filter efficiency and a rigid outer support tube for better durability. These improvements offered significant cost-saving benefits for the mining company.

The Results

The Donaldson Hy-Pro element delivered exceptional results for the copper mine:

  • Reduced Element Cost: Switching from the competitor element, $310,271, to Donaldson Hy-Pro HPQ340083, $160,271, the company was able to save $150,000 annually.
  • Extended Oil Life: Oil consumption was reduced by one-third, resulting in cost savings of $220,020 annually.
  • Fewer Pump Replacements: Pump replacements were cut in half, translating to annual savings of $127,500.
  • Improved Filtration Performance: The Donaldson Hy-Pro elements achieved a 96.4% reduction in particles 4 microns and larger, along with extended element lifespan.
  • Enhanced System Cleanliness: ISO cleanliness codes improved significantly, indicating cleaner oil and reduced wear on system components.

The Conclusion

The Donaldson Hy-Pro element surpassed the alternative in every respect. Our solution provided superior filtration performance, reduced operating costs, and extended the life of critical system components. This case study demonstrates the value of Donaldson Hy-Pro’s filtration solutions and our commitment to proactive customer service.

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