3 min read

Getting to Know Demulsibility

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Mar. 25, 2021


What is Demulsibility?

Demulsibility is the ability of oil to separate from water. Oil and water naturally separate because like molecules attract each other. Oil sticks with oil, water sticks with water. Oil is "hydrophobic", or "afraid of water," which is a benefit when it comes to fluids like turbine oil. 

Topics: varnish in hydraulic oil varnish in turbine oil contamination water in oil dirt Phosphate Ester diesel engine maintenance steel mills vacuum dehydration rolling mill lubricating oil filter housing sizing micro-dieseling thermal event ISO 4406 vacuum dehydrator fluid samples oil analysis metal analysis paper mill hydraulic pump samples COD duplex low-pressure gearbox contaminination hydraulic duplex high-pressure cellulose media filter elements filter comparison aluminum refinery lab
3 min read

Phosphate Ester Acid Remediation

By Scott Howard on Mon, Jan. 20, 2014

Phosphate ester hydraulic fluid has a tendency to become very acidic. As we’ve discussed previously, this acid can cause damage to seals throughout the system and lead to electrokinetic wear (and failure) in valves.

Topics: hydraulic fluid water Phosphate Ester EHC contaminination ICB acid
1 min read

Unmanaged Phosphate Ester: What Really Happens

By Brad Bainbridge on Mon, Nov. 11, 2013

If you deal with phosphate ester (PE) based hydraulic and lubricating fluids, then you likely understand how important it is it to keep it under control. Millions of dollars and thousands of downtime hours are wasted each year by power plants, military and industrial users who need solutions to properly maintain PE fluids. If they're not managed, major damage can take place to your equipment and to your fluids. Let's take a look at what really happens when phosphate ester is out of control.

Topics: hydraulic fluid Phosphate Ester EHC acid
6 min read

Real Solutions to Bringing Phosphate Ester Under Control

By Scott Howard on Mon, Oct. 14, 2013

If controlling phosphate ester seems about as elusive as lassoing a bucking bronco, then you've come to the right place. Put on your cowboy hat and let's talk about real solutions to getting it under control.

Topics: water Water Contamination Phosphate Ester EHC contaminination acid


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