1 min read

Hy-Pro's Product Spotlight: Compact Offline Filter (COF)

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Apr. 01, 2021

Hy-Pro's Compact Offline Filter

Our newest and smallest unit yet, the Compact Offline Filter is ableCOF_Group-2 to fit where no other filtration equipment can. Ideal for smaller systems or where a larger offline system wouldn't fit, this solution can be permanently installed or made portable for ease of use. 

Topics: hydraulic fluid contamination dirt Water Contamination hydraulic filters hydraulic and lubrication filter types Gearbox filtration new oil micro-dieseling fluid samples filtration oil analysis hydraulic pump filters hydraulic valve FSL liquid conditioning station duplex low-pressure oxidation Noria NSD hydraulic cellulose media compressor Reliable Plant filter comparison lube oil aluminum refinery conditioning turbine oil glass media
3 min read

Getting to Know Demulsibility

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Mar. 25, 2021


What is Demulsibility?

Demulsibility is the ability of oil to separate from water. Oil and water naturally separate because like molecules attract each other. Oil sticks with oil, water sticks with water. Oil is "hydrophobic", or "afraid of water," which is a benefit when it comes to fluids like turbine oil. 

Topics: varnish in hydraulic oil varnish in turbine oil contamination water in oil dirt Phosphate Ester diesel engine maintenance steel mills vacuum dehydration rolling mill lubricating oil filter housing sizing micro-dieseling thermal event ISO 4406 vacuum dehydrator fluid samples oil analysis metal analysis paper mill hydraulic pump samples COD duplex low-pressure gearbox contaminination hydraulic duplex high-pressure cellulose media filter elements filter comparison aluminum refinery lab
5 min read

Hydraulic and Lubrication Filter Types and Locations

By Aaron Hoeg on Thu, Jan. 31, 2013


Selecting the right filter can improve the reliability of a system and eliminate failure. With so many options available, we understand how difficult it can be to choose just the right one. Let’s take a look at some of the hydraulic and lubrication filter types and where/how they are predominantly used to help you make the best choice for your filtration needs.

Topics: offline filtration duplex low-pressure hydraulic duplex high-pressure filter elements lube oil


Copper Mine Achieves Amazing Results with Donaldson Hy-Pro

  A new case study is available now! In our newest case study,...Read more

Hy-Pro is Now Donaldson Hy-Pro!

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Hy-Pro Filtration Helps Paper Mill Achieve 75% Cleaner Oil

  A new case study is available now! With the help of Hy-Pro...Read more

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